The secret to being happily married.
My parents have been happily married for 60 years! I love this photograph of them. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this one says so much about love. I saw them yesterday, and brought them dinner.
During dinner, I observed one of their many precious moments together. These moments gave me a glimpse into the secret to being happily married.
Mom: “I don’t feel good.”
Dad: “What can I do to make you feel better?”
Mom: “I don’t know, – a hug I guess.”
Dad: “Well let’s get to it then.” He got up from his chair and pulled her up out of hers. He hugged her for a long time. She cried a little.
Dad: “Your a very special person, Diane.”
Mom: “No, why do you say that?”
Dad: “You gave me 4 wonderful children and lots of grandchildren.”
Mom: ” We’ve done all right haven’t we?”
I felt incredibly blessed and a little weepy witnessing this moment between my parents.
My father is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s and my Mother is experiencing dementia. I don’t know what the future will bring but today was a beautiful day.
After dinner, we went for a walk. My parents playfully bantered, like they always do.
Mom trying to boss dad around and dad constantly teasing her.
Dad: “keep walking.”
Mom: “I can’t walk anymore!”

Dad: “Just keep walking, I’m trying to extend your life.”
Mom: “Yah well this walk is gonna kill me.”
Me: “How have you managed to stay happily married for 60 years?”
Dad: (with a chuckle) “You just stay married and do what your told”.
So this is the secret to being happily married.
I pondered what Dad said.
“You just stay”…
It’s in the Staying;
The commitment to love through good, bad, triumph and trial.
It’s in the Yielding;
Not insisting to have your own way.
It’s in the Laughing;
Being silly and making light of what bugs you.
It’s in the Kindness;
Extending grace and compassion to your spouse.
Is it really that simple to be happily married for 60 years?
Yes, I think it might be.
Lord, help us to have a greater capacity to lighten up, love deeply and give grace abundantly!